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Bill Waltons Height Debunking The Myths

Bill Walton's Height: Debunking the Myths

The NBA's True Heights Initiative

In a recent move to promote transparency, the NBA has begun publishing the true heights of its players. This has shed light on some long-held misconceptions about the heights of some of the league's most iconic figures. Among them is Bill Walton, a legendary 7-footer who has been the subject of much speculation about his actual height.

Walton's Claims: Around 6'11"

Throughout his career, Walton has claimed to be around 6'11". However, with the NBA's new policy, it has been revealed that Walton actually stands at 6ft 11 ¾ 2127 cm.

Other NBA Legends' Height Adjustments

Walton is not the only NBA legend to have their height corrected. Shaquille O'Neal, another towering figure in the game's history, has also admitted to being shorter than his previously reported height of 7 feet.

Walton Sets the Record Straight

In an interview, Walton addressed the discrepancies surrounding his height, stating: "I was always measured at 7 feet. But if I'm being honest, I'm actually a little shorter than that."

Walton's Contributions Beyond Height

While Walton's height has been a topic of discussion, it should not overshadow his remarkable contributions to the game of basketball. A two-time NBA champion and Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Famer, Walton was known for his exceptional skills as a center and his leadership on the court.


The NBA's True Heights Initiative has helped to clarify the actual heights of some of the league's most legendary players, including Bill Walton. While Walton may not be quite as tall as once believed, his impact on the game remains undeniable. His skill, leadership, and passionate advocacy for the sport have cemented his status as one of basketball's all-time greats.
